Monday 23 October 2017

Do IT corporations program our minds?

So, almost everyone uses services, provided by IT corporations like Google or Facebook, on a daily basis. It is a part of the daily routine and we can’t imagine a day without using what these companies provide to us. Map navigation, communication, acquaintance with new people, scheduling, browsing, searching information, storing information, buying, working, playing, going on a holiday or a vacation, etc… All of this is quite likely to happen with the help of Google or another IT corporation through their apps, web services and operational systems… This help comes mostly for free, and offers great facilitation, that’s why  everyone uses it.
But… there is one disturbing thought.

Subliminal messages in advertisement(examples)

Most people know that advertisements industry uses psychology tricks in order to make us like something, think or behave in some way and finally buy something. These tricks are based on the intrinsic programs and inclinations in the human mind, therefore the possibility of imprinting of messages, behaviour patterns, values, etc. Shortly said - mind programming.

This is a much wider topic, far beyond advertisement, but here are some curious examples of real ads, containing subliminal messages.